Appreciation for MUA Scholarships

MUA Scholarships


U.S. Academic Scholarship

MUA is proud of its longstanding commitment to educating U.S. students to return home as prominent practitioners in the U.S. medical community and as ambassadors of the University. MUA also recognizes that a medical school education is a significant economic undertaking. As such, MUA has established the U.S. Academic Scholarship to assist applicants in financing their education. We look forward to reviewing the candidates.

Candidates*:Citizens, dual citizens, or permanent residents of the United States.
Award Amount:Scholarships may be awarded based upon academic merit. The award is typically disbursed over 10 semesters and directed against tuition only.
Dean’s Scholarship – MCAT 500 – 505 ($10,000).
President’s Scholarship – MCAT 506 – 510 ($20,000).
Future Physician Scholarship – MCAT 510+ ($30,000).
Consideration:All U.S. students accepted to the University that meet the “Academic Criteria” outlined above will be eligible for consideration for the scholarship. The Scholarship Committee will review each eligible candidate to determine the Award Amount.
Process:Scholarships are reviewed only for the term in which a candidate applies. Initial screening will occur upon submission of all transcripts to the University. Candidates that qualify will have their files submitted to the Scholarship Committee to determine the Award Amount. If a candidate defers to a different starting term, he/she will be reconsidered but there is no guarantee the award amount will remain the same. Continued receipt of awarded funds is subject to the candidate remaining in good academic standing and progressing in a timely manner. Awards may be discontinued if course remediation1or program absences occur during the course of the academic program.

1Including withdrawal from or failure of any course or clerkship.
Ongoing Eligibility:After matriculation, a student must remain in good academic standing and progress in a timely manner (no remediation) toward completion of the program.
Awards:Candidates will be notified of the Committee’s decision. Candidates will have three business days to accept the award by notifying the Scholarship Committee at Scholarship Awards will only be disbursed as a credit against tuition.
*Effective for students matriculating during or after May 2025.
**Per U.S. Federal Financial Aid regulations, awards made to Candidates that are applying for U.S. Federal Aid will have the award amount in each semester deducted from any disbursements of U.S. Federal Financial Aid.

Canadian Academic Scholarship

Canadian students have long been a vibrant and important part of MUA’s academic community. MUA also recognizes that a medical school education is a significant economic undertaking. In support of this need, MUA has established the Canadian Academic Scholarship to assist qualified applicants in financing their education. Canadians are eligible to pay their MUA MD program tuition and administrative fee costs in CAD, and as such are awarded the Canadian Academic Scholarship in CAD as well.

Candidates*:All citizens or permanent residents of Canada that have been accepted into MUA.
Award Amount:Scholarships may be awarded based upon academic merit. The award is typically disbursed over 10 semesters and directed against tuition only.
Dean’s Scholarship – MCAT 500 – 505 ($10,000).
President’s Scholarship – MCAT 506 – 510 ($20,000).
Future Physician Scholarship – MCAT 510+ ($30,000).
Consideration:Automatically reviewed by Scholarship Committee.
Process:Scholarships are reviewed only for the term in which a candidate applies. Initial screening will occur upon submission of all transcripts to the University. Candidates that qualify will have their files submitted to the Scholarship Committee to determine the Award Amount. If a candidate defers to a different starting term, he/she will be reconsidered but there is no guarantee the award amount will remain the same. Continued receipt of awarded funds is subject to the candidate remaining in good academic standing and progressing in a timely manner. Awards may be discontinued if course remediation1 or program absences occur during the course of the academic program.

1Including withdrawal from or failure of any course or clerkship.
Ongoing Eligibility:After matriculation, a student must remain in good academic standing and progress in a timely manner (no remediation) toward completion of the Basic Sciences.
Awards:Candidates will be notified of the Committee’s decision. Candidates will have three business days to accept the award by notifying the Scholarship Committee at Scholarship Awards will only be disbursed as a credit against tuition.
*Effective for students matriculating during or after May 2025.
A collection of flags displayed in front of a building, representing various nations.

International Students

Every year, MUA extends a warm welcome to outstanding and highly accomplished international students, recognizing their accomplishments with the International Grant. We hold international students in high esteem, recognizing their contributions to our vibrant and diverse community, and we remain committed to assisting eligible applicants in funding their education.

Candidates*:All accepted students who do not possess U.S. or Canadian citizenship or permanent residency status.
Award Amount:A $25,000 USD grant disbursed over 10 semesters, exclusively allocated to cover tuition expenses.
Ongoing Eligibility:Following enrollment, a student must maintain strong academic standing and progress in a timely manner toward program completion without any remediation.
Awards:Scholarship Awards will only be disbursed as a credit against tuition.
*Effective for students matriculating during or after May 2025.

Opportunity Grant Information

Candidates*:All accepted students.
Award Amount:A $2,500** grant for new students only.
Ongoing Eligibility:Following acceptance, a student should make a deposit payment within 5 business days.
Awards:Scholarship awards will only be disbursed as a credit against tuition.
*Effective for new students matriculating during or after May 2025.
**Awarded in USD, except for Canadian students who pay MD program tuition and administrative fees in CAD and are thus awarded MUA MD program grants and scholarships in CAD.