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Albert Thomas

Adult and Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

Albert Thomas

MUA graduate Dr. Albert Thomas is a double boarded Adult and Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist. “My passion in the field is really working on breaking down the stigma of mental health, in particular amongst culturally diverse populations.”

Wanting to be a doctor from an early age, and growing up in a family of healthcare professionals, he graduated from the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia (the first pharmacy school in the United States) and headed to MUA. 

“For me, doing well at MUA was a personal goal. I worked and studied very hard and in the process, learned alot about myself and what I am capable of accomplishing.”

After finishing his clinical rotations, Albert was accepted into a five-year combined Adult Psychiatry Residency/Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship at SUNY Buffalo, one of only two spots that year in their program. He went on to thrive in the program and was named Chief Fellow of his fellowship class. Upon graduation he worked in a variety of settings and roles, including a psychiatric ER, a state-run child and adolescent psychiatric facility, consultant with a private practice pediatric outpatient office, and now as a child and adolescent psychiatrist for an outpatient practice in the Washington DC area. “This practice is a merger of two private practices and there is an opportunity for a leadership position which I am excited about.”

“I am happy with my decision to attend MUA, as it’s allowed me to practice medicine and make a difference in the lives of my patients and their families. The school taught me so much about myself, allowing me to grow and mature as a person becoming a different individual than the one who had just landed on Nevis. I had my doubts in college about whether I could do this. Frankly, I use my own personal  experience now  in my work with kids. We talk about setting your mind to something and working toward a goal no matter what odds may be stacked against you.”

Dr. Thomas is particularly passionate about his work with the LGBTQ community, and being an advocate for them as they deal with the high stress world in which they live.